45 pages 1 hour read

Tia Williams

A Love Song for Ricki Wilde

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 7-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Tragic or Romantic? February 5, 2024”

Ricki and Tuesday venture to the Flower District in Chelsea. Ricki’s favorite seller, Kelly Macchione, runs Macchione’s Tropical Flowers—a business started by her great-grandfather, “a 1920s nightclub manager who moved on to flowers during the Depression” (88)—but Ricki is unable to afford her wares.

After another slow day at Wilde Things, Ricki visits the Eden Lounge Community Garden, where she encounters the Mysterious Benefactor once again. He no longer lives in the city, but when he visits, he likes to come to the Community Garden to smell the fragrant night-blooming jasmine. When Ricki points out that the jasmine is blooming in winter against all possibility, he counters that in the February of a leap year “nothing makes sense till March” (93). Ricki recounts an Indian myth about the origins of the flowers: A princess fell in love with a sun god, but after he refused her affections because he worried he’d burn her, she set herself on fire; her ashes bloomed into a jasmine tree that only bloomed at night. Ricki believes the tale is romantic, while the Mysterious Benefactor regards it as tragic. Ricki learns the man is a musician and detects a Low Country accent mixed in with New York inflections. They introduce themselves; his name is Ezra Vaughn Percival Walker. Before departing, Ezra suggests they avoid each other, but Ricki is certain they’ll meet again.

Chapter 8 Summary: “Stroke of Genius; February 6, 2024”

In her time exploring Harlem, Ricki mourns that many Old Harlem locations have been “lost either to gentrification or to the natural passing of time” (99). Ricki can’t bear to waste the flower arrangements that don’t sell at Wilde Things, so she starts displaying them at Harlem’s historical sites. She photographs one bouquet at The Nest Community Health Center and posts the photo on her floristry Instagram to commemorate its former identity as The Nest Speakeasy. The post goes semi-viral. Her next bouquet is photographed at an IHOP on 2294½ Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard in remembrance of Smalls Paradise—the only Black-owned cabaret in Old Harlem. After this post goes viral, Ricki’s shop gets more visitors. Her Instagram catches the attention of renowned celebrity makeup artist George Gabowski and his fiancé Daniel McClure, who hire Ricki as the florist for their Valentine’s Day wedding.

Chapter 9 Summary: “Things Could Get Dangerous; February 7-14, 2024”

Ricki becomes frantic about the wedding, to be held at the high-end, two-story local restaurant Bar Exquise. Though she’s attended plenty of large-scale events with her family, they were “nothing but an opportunity to be reminded of her inadequacies” (104). Ricki is under enormous pressure to ensure floral perfection for the event and prove herself as a capable businesswoman.

The event is a massive success. However, Ricki is melancholy while professionally observing the festivities from the sidelines of the dance floor. Wishing to have a partner to share moments like this with, she hears a familiar piano tune—“Thank You for Being a Friend,” the theme song from the TV show The Golden Girls. The wedding party sings along, causing the hired DJ to stop his music. The piano rapidly segues into other theme songs, thrilling the wedding goers. Ricki chases the sound downstairs, where she finds Ezra playing. Her disruption causes him to stop, much to the dismay of the audience upstairs. When Ricki asks why he’s averse to being around her, Ezra compares her to a tornado and admits he’s scared of what they could be. Ricki defensively insists they won’t be a couple, to Ezra’s relief.

Ezra is charmed by Ricki’s social awkwardness and her tendency to ramble useless trivia facts when nervous. He seems to understand her in a way no one else does and they bond over the fact that neither truly feels like they belong. As Ezra invites Ricki to sit beside him at the piano, Tuesday interrupts with her newest fling, Bruce. She accuses Ezra of being a stalker, questioning why he bought Ali’s portrait of Ricki. Ezra leaves. Ricki attempts to picture the woman who paid for the portrait, but oddly cannot remember her.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Night Company; February 15, 2024”

Slowly, but surely, Wilde Things gains momentum following the wedding. Ricki continues photographing bouquets at Old Harlem addresses, including the original 1090 offices of the NAACP and the former Lafayette Theatre. Her Instagram posts, which “weren’t simply flower shots [but] odes to slices of Black history” (119), gain popularity and are cross-posted on other platforms.

During a weekly teatime with Della, as Ricki rambles about the enigmatic Ezra, she notices Della’s hands are trembling more than usual. Della has a bucket list of experiences she hopes to do; so far, she has dyed her hair pink and dated a 77-year-old woman named Suyin Fong. Della speaks to Ricki about taking chances, living her life to the fullest, and making sure she leaves a mark on the world. The philosophical talk raises Ricki’s suspicions about the older woman’s health, but Della brushes off her concerns.

When Ricki returns home, the old piano in her flower shop reminds her of Ezra. Aroused, she lies on the piano, masturbating to thoughts of him.

Chapter 11 Summary: “A Beacon for the Lost; February 15, 2024”

Ezra meets with his life coach, Dr. Arroyo-Abril—the woman who posed as his assistant when purchasing the nude portrait of Ricki at Ali’s art exhibition. The homework from their past session was for Ezra to find one person to hug, as often as possible, but Ezra isn’t a hugger and thus hasn’t done so. Dr. Arroyo-Abril encourages Ezra to tell Ricki the truth about his condition, but Ezra refuses. Since understanding his condition years ago—a condition Dr. Arroyo-Abril also has—Ezra been incapable of committing to anything or anyone for long. Februaries and leap years are especially hard for Ezra, who is worried that “another tragedy’s fixing to happen” (130)—a tragedy he’s certain will hurt Ricki. Dr. Arroyo-Abril believes his willingness to admit this proves that he’s slowly recovering from his ex’s tragic death.

Ezra looks forward to serendipitously running into Ricki, even while going out of his way to avoid her. Yet when she suggests he visit her flower shop, Ezra panics because he hasn’t been to that block “since that terrible February” (134). Though Ezra has long since lost his inspiration for writing music, he’s slowly come back to it since meeting Ricki; he even has the fragments of an original song haunting his mind. Dr. Arroyo-Abril suspects he’ll be able to complete it after telling Ricki about his predicament and either sending her away from the city or working out a solution together.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Flower Shower; February 15-16, 2024”

While dog-sitting for his favorite client—an oversized Siberian Husky that he’s taught to sing—Ezra works up the courage to call Ricki. He’s breathless with nerves. Ezra rambles that he can’t erase her from his mind, but that as much as he doesn’t want to stay away from her, he must. He asks to tell her why face-to-face, so Ricki agrees to meet him the following day at noon.

The next day, Ezra meets Ricki at her shop as she’s hanging strings of wildflowers and he’s fascinated by her and her art. As they walk down West 137th, Ricki voices her desire to hear him play. Since this is the last time they plan to see each other, Ricki suggests Ezra tell her his secret later tonight; until then, they’ll spend the day together to have something to remember each other by.

Chapters 7-12 Analysis

In this section, Ezra’s true identity as a man who looks 28 but has lived for over a century introduces the novel’s fantasy element—a magical or supernatural detail that disrupts the realism of the rest of the novel. The fact that Ezra keeps his supernaturally long life a secret and is worried about how others will perceive him after they know the truth marks the novel as part of the fantasy genre rather than the similar genre of magical realism. In magical realism, the fantastical elements that intrude on the real world are considered normal by the characters living in that world. However, here, it is clear that Ezra’s condition is unusual, potentially alarming, and difficult for others to accept.

The novel connects Ezra’s magical existence to its romance plot. While many romance novels rely on coincidence to fuel the plot, having characters run into each other accidentally to build up relationships, here, the serendipitous meetings between Ezra and Ricki highlight the magical uncanniness of their connection—the implication is that whatever otherworldly force is causing Ezra’s long life is also responsible for this growing attraction. The merging of genres is especially apparent in the novel’s use of language, which links the characters’ feelings for each other with enchantment. Ricki’s encounter with Ezra “had felt like a luscious waking dream. Later on, she’d blame the boldness of what she said next on the magic of the moment” (97)—a seemingly throw-away idiom that here has deeper significance, foreshadowing the literal magic at work. Later, when Ezra and Ricki are “together, time seemed to stretch and bend” (115)—word choices that again take a commonplace phrase and infuse it with layers of meaning, pointing to Ezra’s century-old existence.

Part of Ricki’s character arc is learning how to rely on her intuition and intelligence, and to develop self-confidence. Conditioned all her life to believe herself a failure because her family says so, Ricki “wilt[s] under the weight of the judgment” from those who don’t agree with her life choices (104). Her family’s treatment has led to Ricki view herself as too much to handle or undesirable; the resulting need to impress her family and become worthy of others translates to her dating life—Ricki becomes a magnet for bad treatment. However, her new life in Harlem brings with it three people who support Ricki and like her for who she is: Della provides a positive example of someone who values deep romantic attachment, Tuesday appreciates Ricki’s style and is quick to be protective, and Ezra finds Ricki’s awkwardness and quirky behavior charming and attractive. Ezra’s appreciation makes Ricki feel “exposed and silly but also sweetly validated in a way she never had” (113-14). Getting this multifaceted positive response allows Ricki to dramatically change her perception of herself; newly secure in her aesthetic decisions, she combines her love of flowers and history in an unusual way on Instagram, allowing her business to thrive based on her strengths rather than her family’s strategies—showing that her success is rooted in the Freedom and Empowerment in Expression.

Foreshadowing and suspense are heavily used rhetorical devices in this secret-filling section. Ezra’s puzzling reaction to being near Ricki, whom he clearly likes but wants to avoid, heightens the stakes of their inevitable relationship; his enigmatic conversations with his life coach about an unnamed condition they share hint at the secrets he’s keeping from Ricki. Likewise, Della’s hand-tremors are worsening, hinting at her declining health; the mention of her bucket list points to her awareness of her death. Even the weather seemingly has secrets: It is abnormally warm on Ezra’s and Ricki’s first and final day together: “Under no healthy circumstances was a New York City February supposed to feel Palm Beach balmy. But the peculiarity of it was thrilling. Everyone in Harlem was outside, soaking up their good fortune before it expired, knowing it was too rare and strange to last” (140). The strangeness of the weather, like the impossibility of the night-blooming jasmine blooming in February, hints at magic at work.

The Subtle Imprint of History allows Ricki to connect with elements of the past in her present. For example, Ricki’s favorite flower seller, Kelly Macchione, is the great-granddaughter of Mickey Macchione—the fictional manager of the Eden Lounge when Ezra performed there in the 1920s. Similarly, the names of several establishments where Ricki photographs her bouquets bear the traces of their former institutions: The Nest Community Health Center now occupies the former home of The Nest Speakeasy. Ricki excels at finding these mostly erased pieces of the past, which allows her to connect with Ezra when she overhears him playing the theme from the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls—another piece of history. Ezra appreciates her attentiveness: “most people don’t even bother to catch the obvious. The crowd upstairs? They heard music coming from nowhere, but you were the only one to investigate” (115). Ezra’s comment points out how much is beneath the notice of most people; the Harlem Renaissance’s impact on the neighborhood isn’t always seen by its residents, so it takes Ricki’s flower photographs to call attention to what has always been there.