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Ernesto GalarzaA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Gustavo leaves for Tepic to find work and housing for the family. They don’t hear from him for several weeks. Finally, word reaches the family that Gustavo has found work and they are to join him in Tepic. Ernesto observes adults talking in hushed tones, but he isn’t privy to their discussions. Ernesto tells all his friends he is moving but is disappointed that they cannot take the animals to Tepic. The family leaves early in the morning when it is still dark, and they make the journey by horseback. They reach Tepic, where Ernesto immediately notices the paved streets and the large cathedral. They reach their new home and unpack their belongings. Gustavo rented two rooms, and Ernesto shares one with his mother. The rooms are very simple: The floor is dirt, and the walls are adobe. Very quickly, their lives change as they no longer rely on farming to support themselves and they have to earn wages. Gustavo gets a job in a sugar mill north of the city, and he comes to see them on Sundays, while José looks for odd jobs, or chanzas. His mother picks up work sewing and mending using the sewing machine she received in her divorce settlement.
Tepic is much larger and has a wider socio-economic range. Ernesto becomes fascinated watching the rich people in the town. His mother starts to educate him in reading, writing, and math. Soldiers are a fixture of life in Tepic, and Ernesto watches military parades. José tells him that the soldiers and rurales are there to protect them. The anxiety in the city about the revolution is hard to escape. People from the countryside move into the city, and work becomes scarcer. Eventually, Gustavo is laid off, which puts the family in a tough financial situation. Gustavo talks to a labor recruiter for the Southern Pacific Railroad who promises good wages and steady work. José gets hired as well, and the family decides to leave Tepic. José and Gustavo leave first, and they later send word that Ernesto and his mother should move to Acaponeta.
They travel north on an overland clipper, a large stage-coach pulled by four mules. The journey is uncomfortable, but Ernesto is impressed by the coach, and he spends the journey trying to see as much scenery as he can. By the second day, he becomes bored. Finally, Ernesto and his mother arrive in Acaponeta and go to the house where Gustavo has arranged for them to stay. The compound has an orchard and several small cottages where other families live. Ernesto becomes fascinated by the railway station and the speed of trains. They send letters to their family in Jalco, which his mother reads to him. They get news from Gustavo that they are to travel by train to Urias, where José and Gustavo are working.
In Urias, the lifestyle is rugged as they live in a tent in the workcamp, but Ernesto is fascinated by the sea and the mountains and feels that “life in Tepic had never been so good” (174). However, once again, the revolution comes closer, and his uncles are laid off. They are offered work further north, and Gustavo takes the job while José stays with Ernesto and his mother. Gustavo ends up in Nogales, near the United States border. José, Ernesto, and his mother go to Mazatlán, where they have a cousin, Doña Florencia, and rent a room nearby. Ernesto’s uncles were planning to send for the rest of the family they left behind in Jalco, but because of the frequent moves and job losses, they are unable to reunite, and the Lopezes have to stay in the village for the time being.
In Mazatlán, his mother sews and mends to help save money, and Ernesto finds work at a small restaurant. José and Ernesto fish in the nearby salt flats. Ernesto enrolls in first grade and begins attending school, where he becomes interested in national history and civic instruction. Eventually, the revolution arrives in Mazatlán: The roads leading to the city are cut off, and the city is under siege for several weeks. Gunfire echoes through the town, and supplies became scarce. Once the siege is over, shops, factories, and ports begin to close, laying off workers. José goes to the mountains to work in a mining claim. After several days of work, he goes to collect his pay and is shot at by the contractor. While he escapes, he is not paid and is very upset when he returns to Mazatlán. The family decides to leave Mazatlán and go to the United States.
The first migration that Ernesto’s family makes is before he is born, when his mother and uncles move to Jalco. Part 2 opens with Ernesto’s first real journey, from Jalco to Tepic. He leaves behind the world he knows for an uncertain future. The routine that defines Ernesto’s life in Jalco is disrupted as they prepare to move. The changes are slight, but Ernesto notices them. For example, his mother stops singing while she sews, and the adults in his life spend more time talking than they used to. These observations foreshadow the changes that mark the rest of the book.
When they arrive in Tepic, the family doesn’t have social or family networks that can help them, and they struggle to adapt to the new city. Galarza explains that the family’s first priority was keeping every safe and the second concern was finding work. For instance, José and Gustavo search for regular work so they can earn money, while Doña Henriqueta looks for a safe place to save the money that they earn. In the village, they had their own home, and it was very safe. In Tepic, they need to find new strategies. Ultimately, they ask a distant cousin who has a more private living situation to store the money for them until they are ready to leave. In Jalco, Ernesto had a lot of freedom, but now he spends his time with his mother, and he can’t wander around by himself anymore. The military is a prominent presence, and while the city is peaceful, the family is aware that the revolution is coming. Halfway through the chapter, Ernesto’s family makes a second migration.
The migrations undertaken by the family follow the same pattern. The men leave first to make arrangements, and Ernesto and his mother follow. The motivations for leaving Jalco, Tepic, Acaponeta, Urias, and Mazatlán are the same as socio-economic and political pressures impact their lives. There is anxiety about the safety of the family as the revolution starts to impact day-to-day life. Intimidation from the rurales drives many other campesinos—people from the countryside—to the city. More people are looking for work, which increases financial pressure on the family. For example, they are not in Acaponeta long before Gustavo sends for them to travel to Urias. The violence of the revolution causes considerable economic insecurity, and his uncles struggle to find regular work. With jobs scarce and tensions rising, the offer of steady work in the north is a strong reason to keep moving.
In Part 1, Ernesto’s life is limited to the small village. In Part 2, his world rapidly expands. Some of these changes reflect technological shifts in society. In Acaponeta he sees the railroad for the first time. The locomotive symbolizes industrial modernity, and Ernesto is fascinated by its speed and “terrifying noises.” In Mazatlán, there is electric lighting that illuminates the plaza and the street. At moments, modernity is jarring. Galarza relays an anecdote of watching a movie that included a scene with water. Partway through the screening of the movie, the waves break on the screen, and the audience believes that the water is inside the theater. The crowd panics and leaves the building despite someone telling them that the waves are just on the screen. The exposure to other lifestyles is another change that Ernesto experiences. In Jalco, everyone lives a subsistence lifestyle, and Tepic is Ernesto’s first exposure to wealth. He is fascinated by how rich people live, and Galarza describes their homes, the gates, the servants, and the carriages in detail. Ernesto begins to understand class differences. For example, some boys go to school, while other boys work as shoeshines, selling candy, or doing odd jobs. Ernesto doesn’t go to school, but he is educated at home by his mother. In Mazatlán, his cousin, Doña Florencia, is wealthy, and that give his family some status in the neighborhood. Over time he becomes more aware of the differences between the rich and the poor.
Throughout Part 2, Ernesto’s life is frequently upended by the revolution. The military remains an important presence in Ernesto’s childhood. As the story is told from Ernesto’s perspective, the details about the revolution are unclear. It’s alluded to regularly, and its inevitability is stated, but as Ernesto is young, he doesn’t fully grasp the specifics. As a result, the reader isn’t given clear information about the motivations or factions and whether his family supports them. Instead, the narrative centers on what Ernesto notices. For example, the railway station—which he is fascinated by because of the trains—is the center of the revolution, as trains carrying soldiers move through the town. Some of the soldiers wear peasant clothing and travel with their wives, who cook for them. Based on what he has heard, Ernesto concludes that the soldiers are “brave people,” and he wants to be courageous like them. Soldiers are also present in Urias, and the gossip in town centers on the revolution. One day, Ernesto and José hear gunfire as the revolution comes even closer. When Ernesto attends school in Mazatlán, military themes are prominent in instruction and in the games the students play with one another. By the end of the chapter, he has decided he is “100 percent maderista, though I had no idea why Señor Madero was against reelection or what he meant by public liberties” (230). Because Ernesto is the narrator, the reader also doesn’t learn what this means.