56 pages 1 hour read

Ray Bradbury

Dandelion Wine

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1957

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Pages 209-319

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 209-237 Summary

Lavinia Nebbs’s friend Francine arrives at Lavinia’s house, and the two young ladies take an evening walk to the theatre to see a Charlie Chaplin movie. From their porch, Fern and Roberta call to the women, warning them that the Lonely One is at large and that they shouldn’t be out at night. Lavinia dismisses their fear, but Francine worries because, during the past few months, two women have been found strangled and a third has gone missing. At the shortcut through the ravine, Francine hesitates, fearful, but Lavinia grabs her arm, and they continue onward. Halfway through the ravine, they discover the body of the missing woman, Elizabeth Ramsell, and summon the police. Afterward, Lavinia decides they should still go to the movies to take their minds off the horror. As they climb out of the ravine, they encounter Douglas, who stares down at the lights of the investigation. Lavinia shoos him away.

They stop to pick up Helen Greer, who asks why they’re so late. Lavinia tells Helen about Miss Ramsell but doesn’t admit that it was she and Francine who found the body. They continue toward the theater as houses lock up around them on news of the murder.

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By Ray Bradbury