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Lesa Cline-RansomeA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Eleven-year-old Langston narrates the novel, and his wistful reflections on the quiet dirt roads of Alabama, his birthplace, open the first chapter. It is early Autumn, 1946. Having recently moved away from Alabama with his father Henry, Langston now lives in a cramped, run-down apartment in Bronzeville, a predominantly African American neighborhood on Chicago’s south side. He attends nearby Haines Junior High School. When the final bell of the day interrupts his reveries, Langston rushes out the door, anxious to get away from the school, where he has no friends.
As Langston approaches his squalid apartment, he notes that no one waits for him there and that he only knows one neighbor by name. On cue, said neighbor—Miss Fulton—appears with heavy grocery bags and asks Langston to carry them up to her top-floor apartment, across the hall from Langston’s. She frequently requests Langston’s help. He politely, if begrudgingly, helps her, thinking that while her prettiness recalls his mother’s, she’s uppity, unlike his mother. Miss Fulton is a schoolteacher, and Langston notices her apartment is pleasant and tidy, in contrast to his own.
Memories of his mother and Alabama overtake Langston as he opens the door to his empty apartment. He watches the bustling activity on the street below his window and compares the commotion unfavorably to the peaceful atmosphere of rural Alabama. When Henry returns home from work, he is tired and untalkative, as usual.
The apartment building’s indoor plumbing is a novelty for Langston. Although he and his father must share a bathroom with numerous other tenants, Langston marvels at the running water, “one spout for hot, one for cold” (8), and at the flushing toilet. He wakes early to get to the bathroom ahead of others and then to school before his classmates. When the other students arrive, they taunt him with the name “country boy,” “the name everyone in class says when they point at [his] run-over shoes and laugh at the overalls [he] still [wears]” (8).
The school bully, Lymon, and his two sidekicks, Clem and Erroll, ambush Langston after school. They routinely harass Langston, even though he suspects their families are Southern country folk like his. Langston’s thoughts shift from the South to his mother’s funeral and his subsequent train ride North in the segregated “colored car” (10). While he’s remembering the handful of friends he left behind in Alabama, Lymon, Erroll, and Clem waylay him with pushes and shoves. Because his father advises forbearance, Langston passively endures the boys’ insults, and when they tire of tormenting him, he heads home.
At home, Langston finds a letter addressed to his father in big, loopy handwriting. He ponders the changes in his life as he waits for his dad to return from work. Back in Alabama, he fell asleep to the sounds of owls and his parents’ hushed laughing. Now he hears rats scratching in the apartment walls at night, along with the snoring of his father, who sleeps a few feet away and sometimes murmurs “Teena,” the name of Langston’s mother. She adored Langston, her only child, and as he thinks about her, “the tears start and won’t stop” (14). His father doesn’t tolerate tears, so when Henry returns, Langston quickly dries his eyes. After dinner—a second-rate meal prepared by Henry that makes Langston long for his mother’s cooking—Langston gives his father the letter. Henry puts it away, unopened, and dismisses Langston’s questions about it.
Langston helps his teacher carry boxes to her car after school and then scoots through a hole in the fence, eager to escape the schoolyard unnoticed by Lymon and company. He walks quickly down unfamiliar streets and finds himself in an unusually attractive neighborhood. On the corner is a big white building with words above its doors that read, GEORGE CLEVELAND HALL BRANCH, CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Langston’s mother once told him about libraries, adding, “[t]hey don’t let colored folks in libraries” (19), but Langston enters the building anyway, hoping someone can direct him home.
Langston is surprised to see “all kinds of colored people” inside (20), including those staffing the desk, but no White people. Dumbstruck with amazement, he follows a helpful librarian to a room where kids his age are reading. When he lived in Alabama, Langston read every book he could find. While his mother defended his reading habit, his father disliked it, believing Langston should be working outdoors on the farm. Langston surveys the library bookshelves and finds a volume bearing his own name. He loses himself in the poetry of Langston Hughes for the rest of the afternoon.
Henry asks why Langston is late getting home, and Langston lies, claiming he was playing with friends after school. Fearful of sparking his father’s anger, Langston doesn’t admit that he was reading, nor that the schoolboys bully him, nor that he’s lonely and misses his mother. After his mother died, Langston overheard his father tell his grandmother that, because “Ain’t nothing left for me here” (24), he would go to Chicago with Langston. It saddened Langston to leave his home and beloved grandmother, but he hid his feelings and followed his father to the train, “like his shadow trying to keep up behind” (25).
Following school the next day, Langston returns to the library.
The friendly librarian from the previous day greets Langston. As she leads him back to the same room, they pass a picture gallery featuring faces of African Americans who, according to the librarian, are writers from the library’s lecture series. She adds that “Chicago is home to many esteemed Negro writers” (28). When Langston wonders aloud if this is “a library for colored folks” (28), the librarian assures him the branch is for all Chicago residents, although it is named for the African American physician who was instrumental in its establishment.
The librarian introduces Langston to Miss Cook, the children’s librarian. After Langston helps himself to the volume of Langston Hughes poetry again, Miss Cook asks if he would like to take it home. Langston is excited to hear that if he obtains a library card, he can check out as many as five books.
To secure a library card, Langston gives Miss Cook his name and address. When she playfully asks if he’s named after the poet Langston Hughes, Langston shrugs off her question, saying it is just the name his parents chose for him. Langston takes the poetry book home and hides it before Henry returns from work. During dinner that evening, Langston asks about his name, and his father reveals that Langston’s mother selected it long before Langston was born. Langston stays up late reading the poetry book while his father snores.
These short opening chapters cover just a few days in Langston’s life as he navigates a new environment and new relationships. The story unfolds through Langston’s voice, which reveals his predisposition for quiet reflection and captures the curiosity and confusion of an 11-year-old boy whose world has been upended. His use of the present tense to relate his current experiences grants them a fresh immediacy and sharpens the contrasts with his past, which surfaces repeatedly in his nostalgic, soft-focus memories of Alabama and his mother.
Because the story is filtered through Langston’s perspective, the reader’s understanding of characters and events is largely reduced to his. This creates the conditions for the emergence of an important theme: the disparity between external appearances and inner selves. Langston experiences this disparity when his classmates point at his “run-over shoes and laugh at the overalls” (8) and label him “country boy,” a name that suggests he’s unsophisticated and simple-minded. As Langston’s rich, internal monologues reveal, he actually has a discerning eye for beauty, which he finds lacking in Chicago, and a sophisticated appreciation for the power of language, particularly in the form of poetry. Langston also deliberately hides aspects of his inner self from his father. Because Henry expects Langston to behave in ways that comport with traditional masculinity, Langston conceals his interest in books and holds back his tears over his mother’s death.
Despite Langston’s awareness that others often make flawed assumptions about him, he is guilty of making rash judgements too. Based on his brief interactions with Miss Fulton, he considers her “mean” and “uppity” (3), but when future circumstances compel him to spend more time with her, he gradually revises his opinion. Likewise, Langston sees no difference between the bully Lymon and his sidekicks Clem and Erroll. As the story progresses, however, Langston discovers a side of Clem that surprises him.
The process of drawing conclusions about identity from outer appearances also subtends racial prejudice and informs racist practices like segregation. Langston’s story takes place in 1946, years before the civil rights movement and its campaign for racial equality. In the novel’s postwar American setting, the notion that skin color determines one’s worth is widespread. Even Langston has internalized this belief, as his reaction to the achievements of the library’s namesake, George Cleveland Hall, demonstrates. When he learns that Hall was a doctor and “one of the Chicago Public Library’s first Negro [board] members” (28), Langston muses, “I ain’t ever learned any history about colored folks being physicians and directors” (29). Moreover, because racial segregation is business-as-usual in Langston’s world, he uncritically describes the uncomfortable conditions “in the colored section” (10) of the train he took from Alabama. Indeed, he expects society to be organized along color lines, so when he doesn’t “see a white person anywhere” (28) at the library, he asks, “This a library for colored folks?” (28). The librarian’s reply implies it’s not segregated, but Langston doesn’t fully grasp the meaning of her words.