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Carol GilliganA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Carol Gilligan is an American developmental psychologist. Born in New York City in 1936, Gilligan has a BA in English (1958) and a PhD in social psychology (1964). She was a research assistant of both Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg, both renowned developmental psychologists, while teaching at Harvard.
Gilligan became interested in Kohlberg’s work on the moral development of children, which only considered boys as subjects. Kohlberg was not necessarily trying to exclude girls from his research; rather, he assumed that the full human spectrum could be represented by boys. Gilligan, however, decided that it was necessary to do similar research, with women, who had largely been ignored by Kohlberg and other developmental psychologists.
Gilligan notices that women often score lower than men on Kohlberg’s moral developmental scale. Gilligan insists that women are not inferior to men, but that they approach moral decision making differently, as they are focused on connection rather than separation and think through an ethic of care rather than an ethic of justice. Gilligan creates her own theory of moral development for women, noting that human developmental stages have been skewed toward traditionally masculine approaches.
This work involved yearslong studies of women, interviewing them at various points over the span of several years. In a Different Voice was published by Harvard University Press with a run of only 3,000 copies in 1982. Since then it has become one of the foundational texts of developmental psychology and is a canonical text in gender studies. In 1996 Time listed Gilligan as one of the 25 most influential Americans.
Since publishing In a Different Voice, Gilligan has coauthored and edited many texts, often with students. She has gone on to publish The Birth of Pleasure: A New Map of Love, which explores how to find love through an analysis of the stories of Adam and Eve, Anne Frank, and Cupid, among others; Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development; Women, Girls, and Psychotherapy: Reframing Resistance; Making Connections: The Rational World of Girls at Emma Willard School; and Mapping the Moral Domain: A Contribution of Women’s Thinking to Psychological Theory, which refers to the orientations she approached as “gender specific” in In a Different Voice as “gender related.” She has also published Kyra, a novel, and cofounded an all-female theater group, the Company of Women. Gilligan continues to explore her psychological theories through both psychological research and literary analysis.
Erik Erikson was a German American psychoanalyst and developmental psychologist. He was particularly interested in the role of the ego and the development of the self throughout life, known as ego psychology. His theory of psychological development revolves around psychosocial crises. Erikson theorized development through these crises and generally did not refer to developmental stages by age.
Erikson was also interested in the psychology of religion and received the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award for his psychobiography Gandhi’s Truth, which considered Gandhi through his theory of development.
Gilligan worked with Erikson while teaching at Harvard. Though she is critical of some of his staging of developmental psychology, she also acknowledges how much she has learned from him, citing his insistence on paying attention to the specificities of individual lives and always considering context. She also references his insights in Gandhi’s Truth, specifically Erikson’s argument that Gandhi politically adhered to nonviolent principles while not caring for his family.
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian psychoanalyst. Freud was interested in psychosexual development, and he proposed that each individual goes through specific stages from infancy to adulthood. Freud’s work assumes a male human as the standard for human development, most famously in his theory of the castration complex. While male development includes the Oedipus complex, female development hinges on a recognition of the female genitalia as lacking a penis. This is not only a lack, but a “wound,” Freud theorizes. Thus, the difference that female genitalia mark to Freud is one of insufficiency.
Erikson, like Freud, concurred that separation from the mother was necessary for development, but women did not separate as fully as men from their mothers.
Freud’s theories of human development begin with the relation of the child to the mother and the intimacy that is inherent in the infant’s relation to their caretaker. Development occurs not in the relation of dependence for Freud, but in the separation of child from parent that ensues. Women, however, remain more attached to their mothers than men and are thus stunted.
Gilligan does not disagree that this separation is part of human development, but she is critical of the overt privileging of separation over intimacy that marks Freud’s theory of human development. In the same way that male anatomy is seen as standard and female anatomy as lacking, Freud’s theory of human development assumes separation and striving toward independence and autonomy as the driving force in human development, which Gilligan sees as much more prevalent among men than women. For women, relations of intimacy and interdependence are privileged over those of independence and autonomy.
Freud’s assumption of male anatomy and development as the standard in human development in turn influences social developmental psychologists like Kohlberg, whose theory of human development is countered by Gilligan’s research.
Lawrence Kohlberg was an American psychologist most known for his theory of moral development, which built on the work of Piaget’s theories of child development. He is credited with developing the field of moral development within psychology, where he focused on the impact of the individual’s reasoning over the prevailing emphasis on the impact of parental rules and cultural norms.
His theory of moral reasoning is now known as “Kohlberg’s stages of moral development,” which includes six stages of moral development. Each stage becomes increasingly inclusive, expanding outward from the most intimate relations of childhood. The six stages are broken into three groupings: preconventional (stages 1-2), conventional (stages 3-4), and postconventional (stages 5-6).
Kohlberg borrows from Piaget’s epistemological model in his creation of a moral developmental model of stages. Moral development moves from the egocentric/concrete (avoidance of punishment) to the conventional in which decentering occurs (taking on the morals of parents and other important members of the community) to the postconventional (applying standards that are considered to be universal to decision-making). Kohlberg’s work depended on extensive research in which he presented moral dilemmas to children and adults.
Gilligan worked with Kohlberg on his moral development theory. In a Different Voice is grounded in a critique of this theory, which Gilligan claims privileges abstract principles over lived relations. Men tend to think in terms of abstract principles and through a lens of justice, whereas women, Gilligan argues, tend to think in terms of relationships. Gilligan argues that women, as judged by Kohlberg’s moral developmental theory, are assessed at a lower level than men. In making this argument, Gilligan founds the theory and broader movement of feminist care-based ethics. Kohlberg himself agreed with Gilligan that justice-based and care-based moral judgments are different, but he did not agree that a care-based ethic leads to a lower score in his moral developmental framework.
Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist and genetic epistemologist interested in children’s intellectual development and the broader question of how knowledge develops. Piaget theorized that one form of knowledge will supersede a previous form of knowledge until adulthood; therefore, children’s ways of knowing the world are entirely different than adults’ ways of knowing. Piaget’s interest in the ways that children make sense of the world differently than adults helped to create the field of child development and genetic epistemology.
Piaget is credited with the development of the stage approach to human development. Many developmental psychologists reject a stage approach, instead focusing on the development of specific skills (e.g., making excuses, lying, self-sacrificing, etc.) and how these skills affect development. Piaget’s theory was a cognitive (not behaviorist) one, and he is often referred to as an epistemologist. He theorized that infants begin as egocentric and concrete thinkers. They have to learn that the world exists beyond them and that, for example, just because they do not apprehend an object with their senses, that object may still exist—they have to learn that the world persists beyond their individual recognition of it.
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were abolitionists and proponents of women’s rights. They were leaders at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 in which the Declaration of Sentiments, a document arguing for the inalienable rights of women and based on the Declaration of Independence, was presented.
Mott and Stanton were abolitionists who met at the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London. They had traveled from the United States with a group of abolitionist women to participate in the convention, but upon arrival they were told that they would only be allowed to listen behind a curtained-off cordon sanitaire to the proceedings. This prejudicial treatment by male abolitionists served as a catalyst for their working relation, which helped to lead to the presentation of the Declaration of Sentiments eight years later in Seneca Falls, which launched the women’s suffrage movement.
Gilligan is interested in the tension that arose in the women’s suffrage movement between the supposedly intrinsic female “virtue” grounded in an ethic of selfless care and the framework of rights that Mott and Stanton promoted, which focused on the individual as intrinsically, morally valuable. Gilligan ultimately argues that human rights are necessary to women’s full moral development, which must include themselves as beings worthy of care. While women generally start out with an ethic of care and responsibility toward others, the recognition of the self as worthy of care, too, is what enables women to reach a higher moral development in which everyone is worthy of care. Gilligan ultimately argues, then, that a foundation of rights is necessary for full moral development.
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