56 pages 1 hour read

Kenneth Oppel


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2021

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Chapters 14-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

When Ethan comes home, Peter is furious because he was unable to work without Inkling. Ethan says Peter could have done some work alone, but Peter admits he cannot because he is still struggling. Ethan shares that although Inkling helped him with a project, he also created some pictures alone. Peter is proud and understands that Ethan used Inkling’s talents to avoid letting his friends down. They reach an understanding, but they soon discover that Inkling is missing from Ethan’s backpack. They return to school to look for Inkling but find nothing, so they leave to pick up Sarah.

Earlier at school, Vika lured Inkling away with colorful paper and trapped him in a jar. Now, she takes him home to show her dad. Inkling stays still, making Karl believe that he is a toy. Karl comforts Vika and tells her that everything will be fine despite the company’s money problems. Karl then tells her to return Inkling, but she does not agree. On Saturday, Soren talks with Ethan about Inkling. They search Ethan’s backpack and find a blank comic book page. Ethan realizes that someone else must have fed Inkling. They suspect that Vika is the culprit and brainstorm ideas to get Inkling back.