47 pages 1 hour read

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Malibu Rising

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Book Club Questions

Malibu Rising

1. General Impressions 

Gather initial thoughts and broad opinions about the book.

  • Did you empathize with the troubles of the Riva family members? What did or didn’t make you feel for them?
  • Did you expect Mick to return to Malibu and reconnect with his children? If so, what led you to believe this?
  • What do you think Jenkins Reid wants to say about family in this novel?

2. Personal Reflection and Connection 

Encourage readers to connect the book’s themes and characters with their personal experiences.

  • Which of the Riva siblings did you find most relatable? Did you like any character more at the end of the novel than at the start?
  • Have you ever felt responsible for the bad choices of others, as June and Nina often do in the novel? What would you have done if you were in either woman’s place?
  • How did you feel when you discovered Casey was likely Mick’s daughter? Did you empathize with her more than any of the other siblings?
  • Do you think Mick got what he deserved at the end of the novel? 

3. Societal and Cultural Context 

Examine the book’s relevance to societal issues, historical events, or cultural themes.

  • What does the novel suggest about the expectations of women and parenting? How do different characters approach taking care of one another differently based on their gender or status?
  • How does the novel reflect the cultural attitudes of the 1980s? Would the events of the story have happened if it were set in a different time and place?

4. Literary Analysis 

Dive into the book’s structure, characters, themes, and symbolism.

  • How did mentioning the fire in the Prologue establish your expectations for the novel? How would the novel have been different if it did not include the Prologue?
  • How do the flashbacks between different time periods influence your understanding of the Riva family members? How did the shifting points of view do so?
  • Jenkins Reid mentions a few characters from her other books in Malibu Rising. How did this make you feel about Malibu Rising or her other books? Did mentioning familiar characters from other novels change your view of any characters in this book?
  • Why is it significant that June died by drowning? How is the Rivas’ connection with the water used as a symbol throughout the novel? 
  • How does Jenkins Reid use the continually shifting perspective of the novel to set the tone? How did reading about so many different perspectives make you feel?
  • Why is it significant that Mick is the one who starts the fire? How does it represent his role as a father?

5. Creative Engagement 

Encourage imaginative and creative connections to the book.

  • If there were a sequel to Malibu Rising, what do you think each of the Riva siblings would be doing? 
  • If you had to restart your life entirely, what would you do? 

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