66 pages 2 hours read

Chang-rae Lee

On Such A Full Sea

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“It is 'where we are' that should make all the difference, whether we believe we belong there or not.” 

(Chapter 25, Page 381)

This quote is what much of the journey narrative of the book centers around. What matters is being in the moment and acting with presence. React to where you are, not where you want to be. Taking the quote as a metaphor, some believe they are entitled to be further along a path than they are, but must simply move forward. Others, who are self-deprecating, might not see that they are further along than they believe themselves to be. In a more concrete sense, the quote is exemplified by Fan, who always continues moving onward, present in whatever circumstance she finds herself in. She has no plan or clear path, but remains unconcerned, concentrating on the reality of her situation, not her emotional response to it.

Quotation Mark Icon

“For sometimes you can't help but crave some ruin in what you love.” 

(Chapter 8, Page 112)

The people of B-Mor view their society as one that is nearly perfect, holding many of their complaints inside, until after Fan leaves. They begin to wonder why she would leave, and what her dissatisfaction means for their society. This quote is an attempt to justify the idea that her leaving was an act of vandalism against their culture, instead of the decision of an individual who yearns for something better.