111 pages 3 hours read

Min Jin Lee


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

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Book 2, Chapters 1-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2: “Motherland 1939-1962”

Book 2, Chapter 1 Summary: “Osaka, 1939”

When Yoseb comes home, he cannot find 6-year-old Noa, Noa’s baby brother Mozasu, or anyone else. At the church, he learns that Isak, Pastor Yoo, and Hu were arrested that morning because Hu was silently reciting the Lord’s Prayer “when they were supposed to be pledging allegiance to the Emperor” (151). Yoseb is frightened, knowing that Isak’s poor health will make it very difficult for him in jail. The police refuse to release Isak, despite Yoseb’s pleas. At home, they wonder who they can turn to for help, and realize that there is no one who with the power or desire to help them.

Book 2, Chapter 2 Summary

Every morning, Sunja brings food to the police station for Isak, hoping that he will receive it. But she is also practical, knowing she must be prepared if the worst happens. She decides to be a peddler, selling kimchi in the market, despite Yoseb’s attempts to stop her. Even he realizes that they need money. The other vendors insult her and tell her to move. She moves her cart to the train station entrance, next to a butcher.