53 pages 1 hour read

Eleanor Estes

The Hundred Dresses

Fiction | Novella | Middle Grade | Published in 1944

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Answer Key

Reading Check

1. By reciting the Gettysburg Address (Chapter 1)

2. Because Maddie is concerned that she will be teased next because she is also poor (Chapter 2)

3. To parties (Chapter 4)

4. That Wanda will no longer attend their school, and they moved to another city (Chapter 5)

5. “She was never going to stand by and say nothing again.” (Chapter 6)

Short Answer

1. Wanda Petronski is a girl who wears the same blue dress daily to school. Her classmates do not notice her much, except when the girls play the “game” to tease her about her dresses. One week, she fails to attend school several days in a row, but her classmates do not immediately recognize her absence. (Chapter 1)

2. The girls like to make fun of Wanda by asking how many dresses she owns at home. She usually responds positively and with the same remark that she has one hundred dresses at home. (Chapter 2)

3. While completing her arithmetic homework, Maddie feels guilty for not standing up to Peggy about her “game” with Wanda. She considers writing Peggy a note about her actions but then changes her mind after determining that “Peggy could not possibly do anything that was really wrong […].