62 pages 2 hours read

Christina Lauren

The Paradise Problem

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapter 31-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 31 Summary: “Anna”

Ray promptly arranges for Anna and Liam to fly back to mainland Singapore. Liam and Anna get a hotel near the airport, and Anna urges him not to take the CEO position even though she knows that he will most likely bow to his father’s will. She attempted to Google “this mysterious Pisa thing” but could find no information (283), so she asks Liam again to tell her what it is. He promises to explain it when they get back to California.

Anna’s manager calls to tell her that more galleries are interested in her work; the manager also hopes that more people will get to see the paintings this time, because the last three were bought anonymously before the show even opened. Anna confronts Liam with her sudden suspicions, and he confirms that he bought her paintings. He insists that he did it to help build her reputation as an artist, but she feels deceived and claims that he is using money and influence to direct the path of her career, just like Ray does to his sons and daughter. Anna insists that his siblings will all be fine even if Ray does strip them of their inheritances. When he asserts that he must choose his siblings over his happiness, Anna counters that his siblings would choose money over family every time.