62 pages 2 hours read

Christina Lauren

The Paradise Problem

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 8-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary: “Anna”

As Anna and Liam arrive on the island, she realizes that the $10,000 check that Liam gave her was mere pocket change in the world of the Westons. Dazzled by the beauty of the island, she finds herself daydreaming of painting the scene and reminds herself to think like a millionaire. When she overacts the part and causes Liam to become stressed, she tells him to relax and whimsically states that his father cannot destroy his life. Liam just reminds her to follow his lead and looks at Anna as though she is very naïve.

They are greeted by resort staff, who tell them about the island and show them to their private bungalow, which is down a long bridge perched over the water. Anna sees Liam’s parents, Ray and Janet, walking toward them.

Chapter 9 Summary: “Anna”

Ray looks far less intimidating and far shorter than Anna imagined him to be. Both Ray and Janet make passive-aggressive comments about how long it has been since they’ve seen their son, and Anna counters with innuendo about her reasons for keeping him at home. Janet comments on Anna’s hair—“so pink!”—and then loudly disparages a group of employees who have asked the company to revise its policy prohibiting nonstandard hair colors and other aspects of physical appearance, which Janet derides as being “trashy” and “unappetizing.